Saturday's work sets on the press were 3 x 5 x 135, and the work sets on the squat were 3 x 5 x 295.
I thought I could use some extra work on the squat, so I decided to try a reverse band squat at 405 pounds. I can't really explain how I allowed this to happen, but I set up green bands in the squat cage without bothering to check how much, if at all, the bar would deload at the bottom of the squat.
As I unracked 405 and started pushing my butt back I realized I wasn't getting any deload whatsoever. I was not at all prepared mentally to be squatting 405, and I had no inclination to really hit the bar at the bottom and try to come back up, so like the Federal Reserve, I aimed for a soft landing. I ended up doing a very slow negative, dumping the bar on the pins, and laying on the floor.
That was incredibly stupid, and incredibly fun.
I think my willingness to do sometimes stupid but sometimes productive things is why I feel no inclination to hang colored lights all over fuck and pretend I'm happy one day a year.
In some form, I'm happy every day.
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