James can be reached at TwinFreaks CrossFit, where he is an owner and trainer. James coaches barbell lifting classes and CrossFit classes. Contact him by email at james@twinfreakscrossfit.com or by phone at 720-204-2631.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Where I'm Going

As will happen sometimes, I was asked recently how much I squat, and I gave the only answer that makes any sense, "ask me in August."  If that's not a good enough answer, I would estimate I can probably do between 400 and 480 now.

I'm competing next at the NASA World Cup of Power August 3rd and 4th in Denver, Colorado, and I will answer all relevant questions then.

By the way, the only relevant questions are: how much I can squat; how much I can bench; how much I can dead lift; and most importantly, how much does all that add up to?

Fitness has been given many definitions, and that is largely so that more people can sell more stuff that will give you "fitness."  The definition I use for fitness is the ability to do a task.  So yes, zumba and ecstasy will assuredly give one the ability to rave all night, and under some circumstances that may be fitness worth paying for.

There are some people preparing for the unknown and unknowable.  That certainly is a laudable goal, but when I meet these people they seem to actually be obsessed with a zombie apocalypse  and it seems that their prepared response is to distract the zombies with a jump rope demonstration.

Look, I'm not making fun of the zombie apocalypse.  I also have an inner twelve year old comic book reading fat kid that knows said apocalypse is inevitable.

I'm just choosing to prepare by getting lifts judged in competition and recorded forever in Internet land.  Those real, verifiable numbers are what the zombies mine when they compile their list of People You don't Want to Fuck With.

So then, I'm training hard and regularly, making actual gains in the parameters I monitor, and getting on that fucking list.

You too can go wherever you want.

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