I think psychologists call it recency.
Sometimes you find yourself walking Main Street, maybe you have an extended short term memory, and recency causes you to think about the last five years.
It just works out that today I find myself at the end of the five years that started five years ago.
I've changed a lot over five years, and now more than anything I enjoy those closing moments of the day when I find tranquility and can meditate on Virtue.
Enough casual readings of Proverbs, and here you may choose proverbs or Proverbs as they're all edifying, and I realize I have memorized large excerpts of Proverbs without having consciously tried. Actually if on
Main Street I were stopped and queried about the true business of a man, I could quickly provide an imperfect but close answer along with supporting citations from proverbs or Proverbs.
So, you can do that, or you can say, "don't be an asshole."
At the University of Iowa, I found a Rabbi professor. I did not like him, but it was obvious that his intelligence was prodigious, so I usually went to his class.
This is where I learned that sometimes tests at a state university serve to test your understanding of a teaching assistant's misunderstanding of the material the professor covers.
And one day the Rabbi professor summed up his vast credentials placing special emphasis on the scholarly tradition of Rabbis, and then he told us he would explain the essence of Judaism.
After a suitable pause, he said, "don't be an asshole."
So there you go.
And then I have these defined abdominals I just don't handle well. Maybe I can be forgiven. I think the problem is that I'm too old to be ape shit fuck jacked. If I had done it at twenty-one, things would be different now, but I'd have missed the last five years.
So I was at work, and Not Okay Coworker Two, being, well, spherical, interrupted Okay Coworker to explain that she had lost five pounds and she had half a slice of pineapple for lunch.
Man, I just don't know what is supposed to happen there.
So I did that thing where I lifted my shirt and said, "do you know how much you have to eat to do this?"
Here one sophist might say I joyfully helped her in her quest to stop being spherical, while another sophist might say I'm a vain and pompous asshole.
Leaving sophistry aside, maybe I can meditate on Proverbs tonight.
If that doesn't work, one has recourse to music. I cannot explain this, but lately when meditating slides into sophistry I listen to this, with special enjoyment of the prelude, and this.
I squatted today.
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