I rarely read my own blog. I just do it and put it out usually without any editing other than fixing whatever mistakes would embarrass an English major who managed a lower GPA than I did. I realized though that in my last blog I strongly insinuated if not outright said that no one understood what I was doing.
Someone did, and it went like this.
In the last few weeks I was accused of driving away gym members. I was reasonably sure this was untrue since I actively socialize with many of those people, I routinely text most of the rest of them, and there is a grand total of two people who I do not know why they left the gym.
And one of those people I text, I lost. I had to get a new phone, and I didn't have her number.
It happened one night that I saw her.
She asked me what was new, and after explaining that I changed phones, I told her I was selling my half of the gym.
She looked at me with the jaw dropped utter horror look usually reserved for movies.
And after a suitable dramatic pause, she said this:
"Where are you going to train?"
Of course I had figured that out some weeks ago.
And so she knew that I knew that the only thing that matters is training, and I knew that she knew what I do.
And it happened, yes, that I smiled.
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