Dead lift day.
135 x 5
210 x 3
240 x 3
280 x 3
315 x 1
335 x 1
335 felt neither good nor bad. It's the heaviest I've been post-injury, and my intention is to bring the top dead up very slowly. I seem to be hampered mainly by fear, so I'm just going to inch the top single up a few pounds at a time and see if I can convince my brain and body that it's okay to lift heavy.
3 x 7
This is a PR and the kind it's impossible to feel good about. 3 x 10 is the minimum required here. Still it's impossible to suck completely as long as you're doing something to address your weakness. Soon there will be a concentrated hamstring blitz month; maybe December if it doesn't kill my rowing.
Monday is not bench day. Stay the fuck away from me if you think Monday is bench day. We're not doing "8 Weeks to your Perfect Beach Body" here. Take that shit to 24 Hour Fitness.
Hey, buddy, every day is bench day! You said they could come in and work on stuff... We had a lot of benching going on last night, too.