Wednesday, kids, is bench day.
45 x 15
95 x 5
145 x 3
165 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 1
215 x 1
235 x 1
I was happy to hit 235, though I don't understand why that wouldn't work at the meet.
Pull-ups 5 x 5
Ring dips 2 x 5 (affe, I have neglected these and it shows)
GHR 1 x5, 2 x 3
I can't see any downside to doing the 3 on, 1 off hamstring blitz, so that's what I'm doing.
After rowing a slow-ass 2k yesterday, I thought I'd try 7 intervals of 60 seconds work and 30 seconds rest and maintain a 1:45 split time. Across the intervals I averaged 1:45 exactly having started a bit fast and slowing through the splits. This was challenging, and I think productive. I am training myself to stay at the 7:00 minute 2K pace, and I'm also practicing the 10 stroke start. It took some serious concentration, but I was able to dip to around 1:36 before settling in at just about 1:45 at 25 strokes per minute on the tenth stroke.
Try it with the meet-style hold-and-press and you'll see why it didn't work at the meet. SO much harder.