Evidently the last time I used my gym bag was at the USAPL power lifting meet. I know this because when it rolled off the pile of junk in my closet this morning and I stepped on it, I heard a, "pop,pop." I must have already had a coffee because my brain was working quickly enough to surmise that I had just inadvertently broken two ammonia caps.
I pulled out the box of caps, and sure enough, two of those beauties were pink and leaking into the atmosphere. I couldn't bear the though of losing that ammonia.
I hit that shit.
I had thought that ammonia was losing its effectiveness on me, but a double dose concentrated in the box was like a knee to the face.
I thought that in some form it was going to be a good day.
I proceeded to Front Range CrossFit and day one of the Master's Open. The first event was:
1,000 Meter Row
75 Wall Ball Shots
500 Meter Row
25 Pull-Ups
I thought this would be a 15 minute work out for me, and had I not DNF'ed I'd have finished in 15:03. At the 15 minute cut-off, I had one pull-up left. In reality I did about 100 wall balls and 30 pull-ups, but I had way too many no-reps. The wall ball was quite a battle as the Front Range wall ball target stands out a few inches from the wall, and the ball has to hit it. My shots were going above, below, and sometimes in front.
What I did right: I kept my head in the game. I was not flustered by the endless no-reps and just kept pushing. I got some extra focus when for the first time in my life, in front of a hundred people of course, I caught a wall ball with my face hard enough to be knocked back two steps. As far as I can tell, that actually helped me.
What I did wrong: I was struggling badly with the second row. Probably I should have rowed half or three quarter slide, dropped my power and upped my rating. That supposedly is the way to do a recovery row, and while I know that, my pain addled mind couldn't pull it out.
Event two was a ground to overhead ladder starting with 135 pounds and going up 5 pounds every twenty seconds. I haven't attempted a serious clean and jerk in well over a year now, and back when I was doing it, my max was 215. Complicating matters, I think I fucked my left shoulder doing the first WOD pull-ups. I was scared to put anything over head, so I warmed up with front squats and trusted that when the time came I could still jerk anything I can clean. This event turned out to be a study in joy. I danced my way to 215 pounds where I made the world's ugliest power clean and was saddened to find that, no, I couldn't jerk it.
Tomorrow's events are:
5 rounds for time of:
5 deadlifts 225 pounds
10 kettlebell thrusters 24 Kg
150 meter run
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
power snatch 95 pounds
stick jump, 12 inches
Both of these will be gassers and do not favor me. With my left shoulder fucked, I'll try doing all the thrusters right-handed.
Of the two, the dead lifts, thrusters, and runs seems a little more palatable to me, so I'm going to go hard there and try to move up a few places in the rankings.
Fuck it. I have two arms, and I already ruined my face today.
Technically, you have one arm, and your mustache caught the ball, so your face is fine.
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