Saturday's DNF was ugly, and while the ground to overhead ladder was good, I finished the day in the cellar.. At the end of the day, my left shoulder was fried, the rest of my body felt bad, and I was pretty sure Sunday's WODs were not designed for me.
But you do what you can.
I was lucky to make it back to Front Range CrossFit today as I started the day by tripping down the stairs before 6 am, but no damage was done. Absolutely everything hurt today with the worst spots being again the left shoulder, and also the left hip flexors, and the traps.
WOD 3:
5 Rounds for Time
5 Dead Lifts 185 pounds
10 KB Thrusters 24 Kg
150 meter Run
I finished this in 7:48 but realized I fucked up. I thought I was doing my best, but when I went for my last run I heard somebody yell, "catch him." I turned around and saw two guys behind me, and I was able to finally find high gear and keep them behind. I realized I probably could have done that on the first four runs.
I was absolutely dreading WOD 4:
Power Snatch 95 pounds
Side-to Side Jumps 12"
I thought if my shoulder held up I would be fine on the power snatches, but my body is not made for jumping. No, it's made for heavy squatting and powering the erg. By this time I felt so bad everywhere that I started warming up an hour early in hopes that I'd be able to move. I did a very slow paced warm up with rowing and I did a total of maybe five power snatches as I didn't know how many I had left in me for the WOD. Towards the end of the warm up I started cramping up mainly in the foot and hamstring. I figured I was fucked, but I took the floor and left matters to fate.
I finished in 7:54, a perfectly respectable time, and it was pretty fucking funny. During the WODs I had tunnel vision and couldn't hear anything. Because I had it in my head that this was going to be a battle to the death, anything the announcer said through the microphone I interpreted as an update on the approaching cut off time of 10 minutes. Everytime that guy said anything I thought the cut off must be getting closer and I tried to move faster.
After I finished and was walking off the new pain, several people told me I did great and I asked them, more or less, "what the fuck are you talking about?" This happened enough times that eventually I realized maybe I did do okay, and in fact I did.
In all it was a fun week end. I avoided ignomy in a very competitive group. Even the last place finisher there could hardly be said to be unfit.
I'd like to thank:
MG - advil and advice after doing all this before me
VP - driving and somehow coming up with salt water when I was cramping
DB1 - pre-competition massage
DB2 - megatons of laughs and co-conspiring Operation Golden Tomb
EW - E-coaching
ACW - E-cheering
D&B - coming down before heading out
JS and the Defy crew - reminding me that power lifting is still there when the circus tricks are over
Quickly now, as I'm more than ready for an early bed time, I've had three great days on the Faleo diet. I haven't eaten anything forbidden, just way too much of the more questionable stuff.
Monday I'll be back to Paleo and I'll be happily training for the Known and Knowable which involves a lot of squatting and rowing.
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