James can be reached at TwinFreaks CrossFit, where he is an owner and trainer. James coaches barbell lifting classes and CrossFit classes. Contact him by email at james@twinfreakscrossfit.com or by phone at 720-204-2631.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

CrossFit Dawns & Tangerine Dreams

I have learned that I can be wrong, even more frequently than I would have thought possible.  But I'm still sure that the world is reborn every night, and if you get up early enough you can see it while it's still perfect.  I look at the stars, or Venus if it's partially cloudy, the moon with yet more cloud cover, and despite cyclical depression, I will be happy to be alive in the temporarily perfect world.

The thugs will have been in bed for an hour or two while the cretins and sluggards will continue sleeping.  There are no asshole drivers at 5:15.  Sure you have idiot drivers, those who think that because they've never encountered a car at an uncontrolled intersection so early they never will, but because they're merely idiots and not assholes, there's no reason to scream, "Jesus fuck you fucking idiot."  A very calm yet assertive, 'fucking, Starbucks, motherfucker" will suffice.

For a few hours my brain will work.  Brutal insomnia notwithstanding, during 6:30 am Foundation classes I can talk about lumbar curves, while at 6:30 pm I have, more than once, pointed at my back and asked, "what do we call this thing?"

And I'm not the only one who has CrossFit dawns.  I'm on facebook around 5 am not to see who got drunk and laid and who only got drunk the previous night, but rather to make sure that Nicole Gibson at CrossFit Roots and Jonathan Sabar at Defy CrossFit are up and ready to go.  I don't get paid to do this, and until now no one knew that I do it, but it's part of the morning crew duties.

Then I have the 5:30 am people who come in.  I waited months for these guys, shovelling snow at 5:15 then sitting in the truck because it's much warmer than the gym and because nobody comes at 5:30.  But one eventually did and then another and at length the whole crew.

At 5:30 everything is perfect except my body which won't really want to anything until 7:30 at the earliest.  But sometimes I look at the crew.  I know that each of them can do thrusters and pull-ups without me watching.  And then, on a day like that, I have to do "Fran" at 5:30.

Now that I can see more of my body than bodybuilders can theirs with an x-ray, I'm officially pushing fat loss to the stupid level.  Actually I'm exaggerating, but if I flex my chest hard enough to cramp, I can see the bottom of my pectorals, which for me is uncharted territory.

Seriously, this is at least moderately stupid, and I don't recommend it for anyone.  As a trainer, I think I should know how to do it, and one time only, I will.  Later, always later, I'll blog about how I got stuck and what I'm doing to restart losing fat.  Suffice it to say now that I'm using aggressive techniques.

But if you're going to be stupid, at least be smart about it.  In an effort to spare muscle, I decided after research to start supplementing with branch-chain amino acids.  The thing with these, like all or most supplements, is that they have sugar and artificial flavoring.  True, if I take bcaa's only before and after work outs, it will take me a month to ingest the same amount of poison the average American gets at breakfast, but to me after eating absolutely clean for seven weeks that's huge.

I tried to hide the sugar under what I guessed would be the least offensive flavouring, tangerine.

At some point you might have adequate justification to take in a fake tangerine sugar bomb.

All I really want to say, guys, is that there must be a better time to experiment with that than after your 5:30 "Fran."


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