James can be reached at TwinFreaks CrossFit, where he is an owner and trainer. James coaches barbell lifting classes and CrossFit classes. Contact him by email at james@twinfreakscrossfit.com or by phone at 720-204-2631.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Interim OLAP & Shaving

Friday TwinFreaks CrossFit served up the following workout:

5 Overhead Squats
5 Push Presses
1/2 bodyweight loading for both movements.

When my shoulder worked, I would have thought this was a perfect WoD for me, and now that my shoulder doesn't work, I thought this would be a perfect workout for me.  I had some reservations about using the prescribed 95 pounds, but when only one person showed up for Friday's 5:30 am, I was reminded of happier, though less successful, times when I forced myself to WoD alongside anyone who was brave enough to come in alone.  It triggered my fun, but dangerous, "why the fuck not?" reaction, and I decided to hit it.

I got 11 rounds and 5 overhead squats.  Somewhere around the eighth round I got the horrible loose humerus in shoulder socket feeling, and while I then slowed down considerably, I decided to finish the twelve minutes.  I have to admit I feel like I got away with one here.

Worse, though, is that Friday night I drank a beer.  Beer, liquid bread, is decidedly not paleo.

My accountability partner also has Germanic ancestry, and I trust she'll understand that I entirely missed the last Oktoberfest because of my 12 week transformation.

Besides, that was really good - dark - beer, and if punishment is forthcoming for that, well, I'll just take it.

I have this damned mustache, and the problem is that while it started annoying me months ago, I'm still learning its power.  Saturday has mercifully become a day when I can sleep well past 5 am, but I had to help UCanRow2 set up for the rowing certification today, so I was grumpily up before 5.  I went to a Starbucks I've been in once before, and the barista asked me if I would have my usual.

By the time I suppressed the urge to respond, "what in the fuck are you talking about," I realized what had happened and I instead said, "oh, you recognize the mustache."  She admitted as much, and while I waited for her to turn away from me so that I could get the free thermos of half-and-half (at a minimum it's half paleo, and I'm not conceded thereby that both halves aren't paleo) that comes with every double espresso, I had an idea.

I can just take a picture of my face and put it on a t-shirt.  I should then be able to shave, wear the t-shirt everyday, point to the picture and say, "I used to be this guy."

I should be able to get prompt, professional service and not have a quarter of that beautiful free thermos end up dripping onto my chest.

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